gpp national action plan


Α. About GPP National Action Plan

The objectives of the National Action Plan for the promotion of Green Public Procurement (GPP) are:


1) Establishment and implementation of an elementary level of adoption of green criteria in public procurement of products, services and projects.

2) Gradual increase of GPP during the next three years in certain sectors of goods, services and projects.

3) Wider integration of life cycle cost estimation in public procurement.

4) Dissemination of environmental and economic benefits of GPP.

5)Raising awareness, building capacity and active participation of stakeholders (contracting authorities and economic operators) in GPP.

6)Monitoring the achievement and updating the objectives.



Β. Annual monitoring and evaluation reports

Evaluation report of the implementation of the National Action Plan 2021-2023

The evaluation report of the implementation of the National Action Plan 2021-2023 for Green Public Procurement for the first year of implementation (2021) has been published. To read it click here.

New deadline until 31/5/2022 for the submission of a questionnaire on Green Public Contracts

According to document No. 52894/23-5-2022 of the General Directorate of Public Contracts of the General Secretariat of Trade, we inform you that the deadline for completing and submitting the electronic questionnaire for the evaluation of the implementation of the National Action Plan (NAP) for the Green Public Contracts (Government Gazette B΄ 466/08-02-2021) is extended until Tuesday, May 31, 2022.

Completion of a questionnaire for the evaluation of the implementation of the National Action Plan for Green Public Contracts-Deadline until 20/5/2022

In the framework of the implementation of the National Action Plan for Green Public Contracts, which was approved by the decision of the Ministers of Development and Investments and Environment and Energy No. ), it is necessary to monitor and evaluate the course of its implementation. For the evaluation needs of its application, it is necessary to study the annual quantitative Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators described in the NAP and for this reason, a relevant questionnaire in electronic form was drawn up by the General Directorate of Public Contracts. With sub no. 44271/28-04-2022 document of the Head of the General Directorate of Public Contracts, the organizational units of the contracting authorities responsible for public contracts are requested to complete and submit this electronic questionnaire by 20/5/2022.